Current Build HL7 Version 2 Table 0514

This is a table defined as part of HL7 v2 . Related FHIR content: v2 Transfusion Adverse Reaction.


Name:v2 Transfusion Adverse Reaction
Definition:FHIR Value set/code system definition for HL7 v2 table 0514 ( Transfusion Adverse Reaction)
Code System URL:
Value Set URL:
CodeSystem ResourceXML / JSON
ValueSet ResourceXML / JSON

This value set is used in the following places:

Transfusion Adverse Reaction

ABOINC ABO Incompatible Transfusion Reactionadded v2.5
ACUTHEHTR Acute Hemolytic Transfusion Reactionadded v2.5
ALLERGIC1 Allergic Reaction - Firstadded v2.5
ALLERGIC2 Allergic Reaction - Recurrentadded v2.5
ALLERGICR Allergic Reaction - Repeatingadded v2.5
ANAPHYLAC Anaphylactic Reactionadded v2.5
BACTCONTAM Reaction to Bacterial Contaminationadded v2.5
DELAYEDHTR Delayed Hemolytic Transfusion Reactionadded v2.5
DELAYEDSTR Delayed Serological Transfusion Reactionadded v2.5
GVHD Graft vs Host Disease - Transfusion - Associatedadded v2.5
HYPOTENS Non-hemolytic Hypotensive Reactionadded v2.5
NONHTR1 Non-Hemolytic Fever Chill Transfusion Reaction - Firstadded v2.5
NONHTR2 Non-Hemolytic Fever Chill Transfusion Reaction - Recurrentadded v2.5
NONHTRREC Non-Hemolytic Fever Chill Transfusion Reaction - Repeatingadded v2.5
NONIMMUNE Non-Immune Hemolysisadded v2.5
NONSPEC Non-Specific, Non-Hemolytic Transfusion Reactionadded v2.5
NORXN No Evidence of Transfusion Reactionadded v2.5
PTP Posttransfusion Purpuraadded v2.5
VOLOVER Symptoms most likely due to volume overloadadded v2.5